My sermon notes

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
  • ISBN: 9789057190902
  • Nederlands
  • Gratis verzending vanaf € 29,95!
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Wordt aan u verzonden op maandag 17 februari


My sermon notes

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Spurgeon's sermons are notable for their quantity and quality. Spurgeon wrote his book Sermon Notes to aid other preachers and study group leaders. Together with the sermon outlines you'll find illustrations and commentary on selected texts from almost every book of the Bible, all organized in biblical sequence.


Titel: My sermon notes
Auteur: Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Taal: Nederlands
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
NUR-code: 700
Imprint: Importantia Publishing
Uitgever: Importantia Publishing
Aantal blz.: 200
Druk: 1
ISBN: 9789057190902
Afmetingen: 215 x 140 x 19 mm

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